The first self propelled land vehicle was built in 1769 by Nicholas Cughot, a freshman. The first petrol powered car on the road designed by Gottlieh Daimler in 1887. He was a German.
Chess means 'King'. The word check mate is derived from Persian shah mat, meaning. 'The King is dead'. It is believed that chess was originated in India amongst Buddhists. They invented chess as a substitute of war because killing of one's fellow is forbidden in their religion.
Candles are very ancient. Romans bees wax candles from the earliest times. Until middle of 19th century candle making was considered an important duty of housekeeper. The procedure involved heating of a tallow, the fat of sheep or oxen, in a pot. A number of strands of twisted cotton yars, handing from a rod were dipped several times in the molen mass. They were hung up cool after each dip. When the suitable thickness of tallow covered the wick, candles were ready. Today we have candle factories. Homemade candles are also in use. The wick is still made of cotton strands. Paraffin and certain other fatty substances are used.
The word dictionary comes from Latin dictionaries meaning a collection of words. This word was first used by John Garland, an English scholar in 1225 as the title of the manuscript of Latin words to be learnt by heart. The first real English dictionary appeared in 1552. It was compiled by Richard Hulaet. Each word in this dictionary was given in English and then came the Latin translation. The book was titled Abcedarium Anglico Latinum Pro Tyrunculis – Contained 2000 words. Webster covered simpler spelling and because of this Americans write color for colour, Grapic for Graphic, etc…
We all know salt is essential in our daily food. In ancient times salt was used as part of offering when sacrifices were offered to Gods. Salt is basically a sea product. Salt was unknown to Americans and Indians until it was discovered by Europeans. The word salary comes from the word salt, because in Roman times a salarium or allowance of money for salt was given to the staff of the army.